Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We went to the Dr. yesterday and I was thinking we were going to have a girl but based on that thought I had a feeling it was going to be a boy just because I felt Rafe was going to be a girl. The second the Dr. started the ultra sound she said, "Oh, it's a BOY! 100% Boy!" I was kind of surprised but in a good way. Ryan had a feeling it was going to be a boy. So we are pleased to annouce that we are having our second boy. Rafe is excited to be a big brother. We asked him before we went to the Dr. if we wanted a brother or a sister and he said, "Bother". So a "Bother" he will have and his name is going to be Finn Michael Parks.


karlie said...

OH MY GOSH! HURRAY for another little man! And pretty sweet you already have a name for him. That is just so exciting...

Sarah said...

How fun you are having another boy. Rafe and him will be good friends.

Em said...

Yay yay yay! Congrats! That's a cute name too.

Anica said...

You get the boys and I get the girls! We may have to do a trade sometime just to see what we're missing out on. :) Congrats you guys!

Parks Family said...

Congratulations! Look forward to having another nephew. You too make cute babies, you should have at least 5 more!!!!

Dan and Katie said...

Finn, that is so cute! Congrats!

Amanda P. said...

Congratulations! Oh- and I always get the opposite of what I 'feel' like it is. :)-

Mendenhalls Unite said...

Congrats guys!! That's so exciting!!