Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Cheesecake Factory!!!

Jed, TomiLee, and Little Sawyer Man came to visit Colorado to go to a Bronco's game and we were able to meet up with them at my all time favorite restaurant, The Cheesecake Factory. We had a great time and loved being with them! We miss our family!

Rafe 1 and a half now!!

We had a little get together with my cousin, Alice, on Rafe's one and a half birthday. I love Halloween and cake so I made a Halloween cake. Go figure. Any excuse I can get to make cake, I'll take. The next day, I came home from a meeting to find Rafe had built his first fort with Dad. It was so neat and fun to watch them play in it. It was just Rafe's size......Ryan on the other hand...Not So Much!! But kids of all sizes are welcome in the fort.

Catching up

So it's been awhile since I've been able to post on my blog. During that time we have found a condo we love, that Ryan hasn't seen the inside of yet, put an offer down that was accepted and now are waiting to close. We are so excited! It is located in Parker, Colorado and is about 2 miles away from Ryan's school which is what we were wanting. Save money on gas, WAHOO! We can't wait to start working on fixing it up. We'll keep you posted.